Changes to Earthsea Acupuncture's fee scale
Hi everyone! I have an announcement to make regarding Earthsea's fee scale. Until now, Earthsea Acupuncture has operated entirely on a sliding scale. It has been a steep curve learning what the structure of the business needs to look like in order to be sustainable for me. It is with this in mind (and much difficulty) that I have decided that Private Acupuncture treatments will now be a flat rate of $80 per treatment. There will, however, be sliding scale spots as well! All you need to do is email me at to reserve one of these spots before booking!
This change will be in effect next week for new patients. For existing patients, this will be in effect as of Jan. 1st, 2018. If you are an existing patient who needs to continue using the sliding scale, don't worry, your rate will not change, you will be guaranteed a sliding scale spot.
A heartfelt thank you for your understanding, patience and support!