Acupuncture is covered under many extended health plans. If you need one, we will provide you with a receipt at the end of treatment.
Sliding Scale: Earthsea Acupuncture offers a set number of spots on a sliding scale basis. These spots are reserved for individuals who need them. If you would like to reserve a sliding scale spot, please email me directly before booking.
We will discuss payment options at the beginning of your first session, and payment will be made at the end of your treatment. Payments are accepted in cash, cheque or etransfer.
Private Acupuncture
Initial: $95 CAD (65 min)
Return: $85 CAD (50 min)
Limited sliding scale spots are available for private acupuncture. Please don't hesitate to email me for more info or to reserve your spot.
Private Cupping (on hold)
$40 CAD per treatment. (30 min)
*We firmly believe that your financial situation should not deter from your wellness, so please talk to us if you have unique circumstances.
Group Sessions
For organizations only. Email me at earthseaacupuncture@gmail.com to discuss!
Cancellation Policy
Private Treatments at my clinic
Booked appointments need 48 hours notice for cancellation or rescheduling, otherwise the full fee will be charged.
Private Treatments through the Breakaway Grief, Loss & Wellness Program
Booked appointments need 12 hours notice for cancellation, otherwise the treatment will be counted against your allotted number of treatments.